date: 15.05.2020
As anticipated at the beginning of the pandemic, we have decided to organise a webinar instead of the workshop planned to take place in Odessa. Our partner NGO Agricola will be hosting it on May 27, 2020, and provide the translation in Russian. Moreover, the presentation of the keynote speakers Thanos Smanis and Matteo Bocci from HCL Management, and Tomi Ilijaš and Urška Starc Peceny from Arctur will be dubbed in the local language for the benefit of the local stakeholders in tourism. The discussion after the presentations of the project vision and the description of the technology for data driven tourism being tested at the Black Sea will be moderated with sequential translations both in English and Russian.
Since the workshop will take place online, the consortium has decided to open it to the public. If you are interested in learning how data analysis can support sustainable tourism development strategies, register via until May 26. We are looking forward to welcoming you to the workshop Tourism 4.0 for the Black Sea - Data Analysis for Sustainable Tourism Development Strategies, where we will connect key stakeholders of the local tourism ecosystem to foster collaboration and transformation of tourism in Ukraine.