High Level Forum - Tourism, Digitalisation and Sustainable development for the Black Sea ~ Ljubljana, Slovenia, 18th November 2021

date: 30.09.2021

The event illustrates the opportunities and challenges to be addressed in order to exploit the potentials offered by digitalisation in order to promote sustainable tourism development across the seabasin.

The forum will present the main results emerged from the project and will look forward on how to address the emerging challenges and bottlenecks preventing a full uptake of new technologies and business models for a sustainable sector in the Black Sea, as emerged throughout the project implementation.

A wide range of high-level policymakers, businesses, researchers and civil society organisations will discuss such challenges and opportunities, as a way to identify valuable way forwards to promote Tourism 4.0 concept in the Black Sea and beyond.

Concept Note 

The T4BS High-Level Forum - Tourism, Digitalisation and Sustainable development for the Black Sea. A European pathway towards:

  • A resilient and competitive tourism ecosystem
  • Sustainable tourism destinations and services
  • Digitalisation of tourism

The Forum presents opportunities and challenges of co-creating a vision of a sustainable, digital transition towards a resilient tourism ecosystem, with respect to the EU Green Deal and the Digital Decade.

A key success factor is digitalisation. Digitalisation is a driver for resilient, sustainable tourism in Europe. The Forum will primarily focus on data and how data can be leveraged towards this goal.

Together, we will address some key challenges:

  • Lack of data-sharing among players to support data-enabled solutions.
  • Low level of digitalisation of tourism destinations.
  • Insufficient knowledge base of the tourism ecosystem (monitoring, identification of data sources, data leveraging).

The Forum is promoted as part of the Tourism 4.0 for Black Sea (T4BS) project funded by the EC through the European Maritime and Fishery Fund (EMFF). The project strives to enable local tourism stakeholders from the public and private sectors to increase their understanding of current digitalisation trends, patterns of tourist flows, and impact of visitors, as well as predict the tourist impact of strategic, data-driven decisions. The aim is to foster more sustainable tourism in the future. 

The Forum will present the main project results and look to address the identified challenges and bottlenecks preventing the full uptake of new technologies and business models for a sustainable maritime space.

A wide range of high-level policymakers, businesses, researchers and civil society organisations will discuss challenges and opportunities, as a way to identify pathways to promote the Tourism 4.0 concept in the Black Sea -and beyond. 

The Agenda  

High-Level Forum - Tourism, Digitalisation and Sustainable development for the Black Sea
Venue: Crystal Palace, BTC City, Congress Hall, 2nd floor, Ameriška ulica 8, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia

Hybrid event   |   18/11/2021   |   9:00 – 13:00 CET
Host: Tourism 4.0 for the Black Sea – Lead Partner: Arctur, Slovenia

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8:30 - 9:00 Registration and welcome coffee
9:00 - 9:10 Welcome and introduction to the Forum
Tomi Ilijaš, CEO, Arctur
9:10 - 9:30 High-level opening speeches:
  • Valentina Superti, Director, DG GROW
  • Carl Hartzell, Head of the Delegation of the European Union in Georgia, Georgia
  • Ksenija Flegar, Acting Director for Tourism, Ministry of Economic Development and Technology, Slovenia
  • Laszlo Borbely, State Counsellor to the Prime Minister, Government of Romania
  • Rositsa Stoeva, Executive Manager in the BSEC PERMIS
  • Peter Janech, Deputy Director of the Regional Department for Europe, UN WTO
  • George Tziallas, Regional Director for Europe and Africa for the WTTC
9:30 - 10:30

Presentation of the project Tourism 4.0 for the Black Sea and its results

  • Urška Starc-Peceny, CIO, Arctur
  • Samo Eržen, Research Engineer, Arctur
  • Hrvoje Ratkajec, R&D Project Manager, Arctur

inc. presentation of Mabrian's Travel Intelligence Platform and Mastercard TIP for GNTA

  • Chiara Caiati, Insights Manager, Mabrian

Presentation of CINEA

  • Agnieszka Kempny, Project manager, CINEA
10:30 - 10:50 Coffee Break
10:50 - 12:50 Challenges and opportunities for the tourism sector in the Black Sea (panel discussion)

Invited panellists:
  • Tomi Ilijaš, CEO, Arctur
  • Patrizia Busolini, Policy officer, DG MARE
  • Suzana Zagorc, Secretary of Tourism Directorate, Ministry of Economic Development and Technology, Slovenia
  • Rositsa Stoeva, Secretary General, BSEC
  • Stavros Kalognomos, Executive Secretary, Balkan and Black Sea Commission, CPMR
  • Laszlo Borbely, State Secretary, Department for Sustainable Development, Romania
  • George Tziallas, Regional Director for Europe and Africa for the WTTC
  • Michael A. Rupp, Principal Administrator, DG NEAR - Eastern Partnership
  • Urška Starc-Peceny, CIO, Arctur
  • Mamuka Berdzenishvili, Executive Director, Tourism Institute, Georgia
12:50 - 13:00 T4BS Declaration & Forum Closing
13:00 Lunch

BSEC – Black Sea Economic Cooperation
CINEA – European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency
CPMR – Conference of peripheral maritime regions
DG MARE – EU Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries
DG GROW – EU Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs
UN WTO – United Nations World Tourism Organization
WTTC – World Travel & Tourism Council


For more info please contact:


Video: The T4BS High-Level Forum

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