date: 28.12.2021
The article is in the process to be peer-reviewed and published in the scientific journal - Journal of Urban and Regional Analysis
The Danube Delta is a fragile ecosystem whose management is a challenging task. Finding the right balance between economic development and environmental protection often leads to conflicts between the involved stakeholders (inhabitants and/or economic developers) and the environmental authorities. This is the context in which Tourism Impact Model (TIM) emerges as a strategic planning tool that allows to sharpen a field-proof model for the stakeholders involved and allows data driven strategic planning with the aim of a sustainable (tourism) development. We argue and present results that Tourism 4.0 technologies and TIM use could unlock the collaboration potential by use of the key enabling technologies from Industry 4.0 and build a smart tourism ecosystem in which not the tourist, but local residents and their quality of life should be put in the centre of the strategic planning process.
Authors: Andrei Schvab, Mirela Paraschiv, Marian Tudor, George Cracu, Irina Florea-Saghin, Igor Sîrodoev, Natașa Tătui-Văidianu, Marius Skolka, Mirela Paraschiv, Daciana Sava, Diane Vancea (“Ovidius” University of Constanța), Cristina Căluianu (Sano Touring Experience S.R.L.), Tomi Ilijaš, Urška Starc Peceny, Hrvoje Ratkajec, (Arctur)